Monday, January 12, 2015

"Did you do your workout mom??"

This morning the alarm came too early....

4:30 😡

I pretend to be mad at it.  Snooze #1 snooze #2 snooze #3 

Ahhhh!! Get UP Melissa!!! Sheesh

I'm up. I'm up. I'm up. I'm TIRED!!

I stumble into my kids bathroom (not wanting to wake my hubs in ours) 

Toothpaste everywhere!!! Undies all over the floor.  Sigh. 

I splash water in my go time!!

I sit down on the living room floor to lace up my shoes and sit on a duplpo block chicken.  Ouch!!!  Darn Legos!!!!!.... But they are the one thing all 4 of my kids love to play together.

I kneel to pray.

God thank you for my healthy children..that leave endless messes...exhaust my energy and patience DAILY .....make me strong..for them.

5 am is early...but I do it for I can be focused and centered for them.  Heaven knows I fail everyday . NOT perfectly patient...NOT a Martha Stuart.

But I love them.  And I try everyday to show them.  And I'm enough.

.....and even if they leave crushed crackers and their tea party set up in my workout space....😡 AND magically misplaced my weight lifting gloves..😡😡

I have to count my blessings....

I'm a mom of 4

I might be crazy ......

But I will get my workout in for me....

So I can be Stronger for them.

Because I know that my 5 yr old will walk out of his room this morning..see me at my computer in my workout clothes and ask....

"Did you do your workout mom??"

I know that my girls will know muscles are awesome...and diets are dumb!

I know that my boys will treat girls as equals...(cause I can kick their butt!! Lol) 

And I know that one day they will be grown...and I will be able to workout whenever I want. And take a nap. And I will do anything to be able to hear their little voices ask

"Mom..did you do your workout?!"

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