Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Make Your M.A.S.H.

Today was a day of introspection. I had a flashback to Junior High school...
Remember the game M.A.S.H???

You know where you sat around in 7th grade and predicted your future and pretended to gag yourself "with a spoon" when you ended up marrying your next door neighbor???
So here's my question.....Does your M.A. S.H Match??
I am pretty glad M.A.S.H didn't match. Well at least the way I expected.
I had VERY clear goals as a child. (some things never change) From the time I was 5 I knew I was going to grow up, get married, be a mom and a Nurse.
When my 12 yr old friends predicted EVERY TIME that I was going to have 12 kids and a mini van...I was secure with that. They also used to tease me that I would be the one with the perfect house and kids all dressed to match. (not true..my kids never match and are often barefoot and running wild)
So today I thought about where my MASH Matches my life NOW??
I had every intention of marrying a blonde surfer boy with blue eyes and a tan from California
well..l am married a to boy from California ...with green eyes and dark hair.
He doesn't surf... but loves to snorkel.
He's pretty cool...I think I will keep him.
Job: I graduated from nursing school and took my boards at 19. Worked pediatrics for 11 years. LOVED IT. Worked nights...through 4 pregnancies. Then I QUIT...to be a Beachbody coach. Say WHAAT?? Didn't see that one comin'. Both jobs have fueled my greatest desire...and that is to spread the love smile emoticon
Place: I always felt more MER than MAID. Practically raised at the beach...I also figured I would end up living by one. We ended up in Utah...for 11 years.
Until we followed out hearts to the OREGON COAST....and I was smitten. We have BOTH worked SO HARD...and GOD has worked SO HARD to get us here. Now I get to live in the Trees and drive to the beach whenever I want.
Friends: I always loved having friends..and keeping them means a lot to me.
I STILL am VERY close to my friends from Jr high who I played MASH with. I have also made so many close friends for various reasons. At the hospital, at the park with my kids, at PTA, at Church, and since coaching for Beachbody....weirdly enough...I have a LOT of online friends.
It doesn't matter WHERE they come from...the measure of the friend is HOW they show up in your life everyday...by LIFTING YOU UP.
I am SO GRATEFUL for my AMAZING friends.
Pets: I was a cat person growing up. But after having kids ...and developing a love for running...I have resigned myself to become a dog person.
I need something to run my kids ragged....and run along side me. Also, my love for clean eating has given me the overwhelming desire to have chickens...and a garden. So...I guess its dogs and chickens for me. Didnt see that comin'
Kids: Well....turns out being a MOM is a REALLY hard job. Also turns out ALL my kids are VERY strong willed. MASH said 12...I wanted 8 kids...I have 4. so far. Not sure about that ending number quite yet....but for now...4 is feeling like 12.
So do dogs and chicken count towards the 12??
Vehicle: As predicted ....the Honda Odessy has always been my dream. Yes my dream car is a VAN. I'm totally ok with it.
The last few years through graduate school I drove VERY used cars...one winter without heat ( and a newborn). Jeff wouldn't let THAT happen again so we upgraded to another one.... that was an endless money pit.
FINALLY when we sold our other house we paid off both our cars.
I wanted to just get a new one. I wanted to not worry my car was going to fall apart every time i drove on the freeway. But I'm cheap... and being debt free felt good.
So I set a goal...to pay for it myself. Just before Christmas...I met that goal. I
earned a bonus that would cover both my car payment and the insurance....for all of 2015. So....Jeff went out to "clean the car" and came back with a new one. (cause hes cute like that) Its a HUGE blessing to know we can drive anywhere..and not worry.
And now...my Vehicle MASH is complete.
Color: The last one. SO RANDOM. My favorite color is STILL purple. Interestingly enough its made of RED and BLUE.
Red because as I get older there is a growing FIRE in my heart to GROW and DO GOOD.
BLUE because there is a growing need for depth, stillness, and peace in my life.
Purple....its the extremes of my personality..and my soul. SPOT ON!!!
What about you....Does your MASH MISS or MATCH??
Are you living the life you thought you would live when you were 12??
Mine is definitely a Mix MASH. But its better than I could have predicted...
And the best is yet to come....

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When you're outa milk....


How  is it I am really out of milk this morning?!!! 

Tons of cereal ...0 milk?!!?


So what did the kids want for breakfast!??!

No one wanted egg whites and spinach either ...go figure!!

They came up with a quick alternative!!

Cookies for Breakfast!!!

Since I'm a cool mom I was like "cookies it is!" 

Meet my new best friend!!!

Vanilla Shakeology cookie bites!!!

2 scoops vanilla shakeology
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup natural peanut butter 
1/3 cup unsweetened flaked coconut
1 cup oats
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla 
1/3 cup almond milk (if it's still dry) 

Roll into balls!!! And devour!!! 
Makes about 24

And while we are at it I will also share what I had for Breakfast after my INSANITY Max 30 workout!!!

Blueberry vanilla Shakeology!!!

1 scoop vanilla Shakeology 
1/3 banana
1/3 cup blueberries
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 cup raw spinach 
Squeeze of lemon
1/2 cup almond milk
Ice (ice baby) sorry..couldn't resist!!!

Seriously my favorite Shakeology yet...

And yes after I workout hard and lift I add extra egg whites ...my body loves protein!!! 💪💪

I buy them in the cartons at Costco!!! You can freeze them too if you don't use them fast enough  ....

Just an easy way to boost your daily protein!!! They are my BFF
(Grow muscles grow!!) 



Monday, January 12, 2015

"Did you do your workout mom??"

This morning the alarm came too early....

4:30 😡

I pretend to be mad at it.  Snooze #1 snooze #2 snooze #3 

Ahhhh!! Get UP Melissa!!! Sheesh

I'm up. I'm up. I'm up. I'm TIRED!!

I stumble into my kids bathroom (not wanting to wake my hubs in ours) 

Toothpaste everywhere!!! Undies all over the floor.  Sigh. 

I splash water in my face...it go time!!

I sit down on the living room floor to lace up my shoes and sit on a duplpo block chicken.  Ouch!!!  Darn Legos!!!!!.... But they are the one thing all 4 of my kids love to play together.

I kneel to pray.

God thank you for my healthy children..that leave endless messes...exhaust my energy and patience DAILY .....make me strong..for them.

5 am is early...but I do it for me..so I can be focused and centered for them.  Heaven knows I fail everyday . NOT perfectly patient...NOT a Martha Stuart.

But I love them.  And I try everyday to show them.  And I'm enough.

.....and even if they leave crushed crackers and their tea party set up in my workout space....😡 AND magically misplaced my weight lifting gloves..😡😡

I have to count my blessings....

I'm a mom of 4

I might be crazy ......

But I will get my workout in for me....

So I can be Stronger for them.

Because I know that my 5 yr old will walk out of his room this morning..see me at my computer in my workout clothes and ask....

"Did you do your workout mom??"

I know that my girls will know muscles are awesome...and diets are dumb!

I know that my boys will treat girls as equals...(cause I can kick their butt!! Lol) 

And I know that one day they will be grown...and I will be able to workout whenever I want. And take a nap. And I will do anything to be able to hear their little voices ask

"Mom..did you do your workout?!"

Saturday, January 10, 2015

SUPER Saturday

Oh it's not just Saturday (the day in which I do NOT have to wake kids early and make lunches) .....it's SUPER Saturday!!!! (Cue superhero theme music!!)
Being a Beahbody coach usually just is me ..working from home with my Kids...helping other moms...in my pajamas!!!
But today I get to circle up with some pretty amazing people to talk about why being a coach is the ‪#‎bestjobever‬ and share our passion for helping people change their lives!!!!
Just this summer when I moved to Portland I didn't know one local coach!!!!! Not one!!!!
Today I'm feeling pretty humbled and grateful to be rubbing shoulders with these amazing ladies!!! They welcomed me into the crew with open hearts and arms!!! I have learned so much from them!!!! They are truly dedicated, inspiring,and loving people!!!! Talk about a bunch of ‪#‎girlbosses‬ !!!
So excited to see you all today and celebrate an amazing 2014 and ring In the New Year Portland Style!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

How to GET GOING when you feel like SLOWING.....get your GO GETTER on!!!

7. Ugh.  I was on a ROLL last week.  This week...just not feeling!!!!  I was just not feeling motivated the last few days!!!! 

I went to bed last night Grouchy.  I was determined to get back in my groove today!!!

How do you become a GO getter...when your in Stop mode!

1. Phone a friend
Or text at midnight 😂
Do you have a friend that can tell you the TRUTH?!!! Smack you upside the head (via text) and call you on your crap?!!  Mine is my BFF kiana!!
Her EXACT words?!!  "What the he@$ are you doing?!!  Get your workout in!!"

See...everyone needs one of those ⬆️

2. Give it to GOD!!  I settled into reading the bible before bed.  I was reading in Genesis how God breathed life into man. 
The Breath of Life!!!!
"Dear God.....please breathe some LIFE into m tomorrow....dear God...forgive me for forgetting that each day, each breath, my healthy body is a daily gift!!!  Grant me forgiveness..fill my heart with gratitude..and the DESIRE to do BETTER tomorrow!!" 

.....God is Awesome!

3. Get up!!!!
I hate my alarm. 😡 the end.  But I got out of bed anyway.  Only because I prayed to God for strength...and I know Kiana will kick my butt today if I don't 😜

4 a little kickstart never hurts!!
Pre workout of choice...E&E!!!  Laced with mega b vitamins a little caffeine.  BAM ...rock and roll

5. Come at it HOT.  I haaaaaate being cold.  Unfortunately I'm always cold. So when I'm dragging and don't want to workout ...I start in a beenie and my cost.  Then you can shed it while you shred it!! It's a lot easier to start moving when you don't feel like a popcicle.  AND I highly reccomend borrowing your 9 yr old daughters beanie!!! Who doesn't love a Panda hat?!!

6. Chose a workout you LOVE!  I've done a lot of workouts!!!  The New Insanity Max 30 is my favorite.  It kicks your butt in 30 minutes!!!!  30!!! And Shaun T ain't so bad to look at (#sorrynotsorry 😜) aaaaand the moves are so FUN.
7. Reward yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I'm a sucker for an incentive!! I'm currently obsessed with strawberry Shakeology with frozen berries and spinach.  I usually wait till my older 2 kids are off to school before I drink it. But today...no way.  I decided I was going to drink it early. Before any child was awake. In silence!! can we say "welcome to mom Heaven" 

8. Now....while sitting in mom heaven I had to multitask!!!  (I have problems sitting still) 
Want to STAY motivated?!!! FEED your motivation..with. What?!! More motivation!!!! Or in other words....make friends with audible!!!
I am currently listening to The Charge by Brendon Burchard!!  So good!!!
Feed your Brain!!!  Learning ain't just for kids!!!!

NOW ......I am ready to go wake up the kids....just 3 more minutes of silence!!!

To all moms every where....may the force be with you!!!

Go Friday



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Little 'Quick Me Up'

My kids...love 'EM!!! But Let's be honest!!! 5:00 till bedtime is like a WHOLE extra day!!!! They ate a healthy dinner ...had a few leftover Christmas m n ms for desert..,and they are bouncing off the walls!!! 🙈
Bedtime...it drives me to DRINK...lots of water!!! Yep... Are you Dragging!!?? Drink MAS AGUA mamas!!!
Here's a tip for tired mamas everywhere who gotta make it through a few more hours!!! I'm all for some strategic caffeine once in a while ( can you say E&E pre workout?!! Thanks BeachBody!) but this close to bedtime?!?? Nah.. I got to sleep....
So try THIS "Quick me up"
Half a Lemon. (Squeezed)
1/2 cup frozen berries
Lots of water
On the rocks (️thats ice)
Megs dose of vitamin C with a sweet little kick!!
Cheers to moms at bedtime everywhere!!!
Thank you to my sweet husband for buying me an ice maker for Christmas!!! I'm gonna survive after all!!!