Monday, November 23, 2015

HAMMER & CHISEL Christmas Countdow

I am SOOOOO excited for the arrival of this new program. December 1st cannot come fast enough!! The Master's Hammer & Chisel is a power house program created by Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix) Sagi Kalev (creator of Body Beast) designed to get you in the best shape EVER in just 30-40 minutes a day! 

Here is some info from the Beachbody website:

"What is The Master's Hammer and Chisel?

If you've ever wanted to craft a defined, visually dramatic physique—the kind of body you're proud to show off—The Master's Hammer and Chisel delivers breathtaking, body-changing results in as little as 60 days. Trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese are sought-after experts at sculpting spectacular physiques—and they have shelves of competition prizes to prove it! Now, for the first time, they're collaborating and sharing their winning strategies with you, so you can finally build a stunning, ripped physique."

I've had the chance to preview Hammer & Chisel and let me tell you... it WORKS!! If you've been thinking about jump starting your fitness this is an awesome opportunity to join my Hammer & Chisel Christmas Countdown Challenge Group that is starting December 7th. (I've even been able to convince my hubby to get in on this one!!) My Challenge Groups are full of people just like you and me and I'll be there every step of the way. 

So what are you waiting for? It is time to take control of your fitness! Spots are limited so CLICK HERE to fill out a brief form, find me on Facebook, or email me @ and I would be happy to get you set up or answer any questions you might have.  

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