Thursday, September 11, 2014

STOP IT....You are NOT Super HUMAN!!!

I will admit it RIGHT NOW!!!   I have a tendency to OVER COMMIT.  (ask my husband) I am a chronic overachiever.  Always have been.  Being motivated is GREAT...just not at the expense of my priorities. my family and my OWN happiness.   Being selfless is GREAT...but you CANT HELP ANY ONE if you are PASSED OUT and barely breathing from self imposed over committed induced exhaustion!

I have a thing for super hero stuff....yeah...its an addiction of mine.  I think in brings out that INNER DESIRE to you know....SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD.  No big deal.  I toatally GOT THIS..right??!

So I found this picture of WONDER WOMAN the other day and it totally cracked me up.  Wonder Woman...shes my FAAAVORITE.  But look at her face!!  Yes!! Exactly!!  It TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE ME right??  Not what I was getting at....haha.  BUT....  I DO MAKE THAT SAME FACE ALL THE TIME!!!  Its the "Oh no...I FAILED... because THIS PLAN.... DID NOT GO AS PLANNED!!!" Face

Sometimes OUR EXPECTATIONS get us in trouble!!  Having kids has helped me lower my expectations for a LOT of noise level..and the number of times the bathroom gets cleaned....But that OK!!!!  ITS OK TO ALLOW  REAL LIFE TO HAPPEN!!!  DONT BECOME A SLAVE TO YOUR RIDICULOUS EXPECTATIONS for PERFECTION!!

Its accept things as they ARE.  YOU ARE NOT SUPER HUMAN.  (dangit)  SO STOP TRYING TO BE!!  Stop aiding and abetting the MYTH of the perfect WOMAN and the SUPER MOM.  THEY DO NOT EXIST!!!  (just dont tell me Wonder Woman is a hoax too...I might be really angry.)

What DOES EXIST???....a bunch of pretty awesome people...doing the best they can...trying to make the world a better place...and to teach our  KIDS to do the same.

AND THAT IS PRETTY SUPER!!!!! So lets focus on THAT!!!

SO let it do not need an INVISIBLE JET and a Golden LASSO to get to the grocery store.  (Although...a lasso might come in HANDY wth a two year  old in  melt down mode)

It time for us to THROW OUT the PERFECTIONIST......and become a PROGRESSIONIST!!!  You're ok....RIGHT where you are!!  Just try to be better tomorrow then you were today!!

 Sure I have GOALS!!! Lots of them.  They are GOOD and WORTHY....but I am WILLING and ready to adjust them AS NEEDED. (or to be more correct as my husband points out I need to adjust them..AGAIN)

I am learning to be  CONTENT to make DAILY PROGRESS towards saving the world......and if that means today I just cuddle my grouchy 2 yr old, have a messy house, and GO TO BED In my workout clothes...AGAIN.  SO BE IT.

Say Good bye to the SUPER MOM.....and HELLO to being SUPER HAPPY with WHO YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!!  Because YOU are SUPER AWESOME.  WAY to go YOU!!!  (feel free to wear a cape =) )

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