Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Be Prepared!

I am a big believer in being PREPARED!!! Be prepared to succeed or you are setting yourself up for failure!!! So I usually take my weekends, mainly Sunday evenings, to prepare to succeed with my meals the following week! I prep everything from chicken, to sweet potatoes, to brown rice, to fish, to broccoli. You get the picture!! I have found that if I have something ready to go I am much more likely to reach for that than stopping at a fast food place or grabbing a sugary snack!!

Here is a great example of how one lady prepares for the week!! For more information and a grocery list you can check it out here:
Breakfast: Shakeology with raspberries, flax seeds (not shown) and 3 tsp. peanut butter (1 red, 1 purple, 1 orange, 3 tsp.)
Snack: Two egg muffins (EXTREME recipe), oatmeal (not shown), and blueberries (not shown) (1 red, 1 green, 1 purple, & 1 1/2 yellow)
Lunch: Turkey meatballs (EXTREME recipe), sweet potato, and broccoli (1 red, 2 1/2 yellow, & 1 green)
Post-Workout: Trout with 1 tsp olive oil, green beans, and a small apple (1 red, 1 green, 1 purple & 1 tsp.)
Dinner: Baked chicken with 1 tsp olive oil, bell pepper, cucumber salad, and 1/4 an avocado (not shown) (1 red, 2 greens, 1 blue, & 1 tsp.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Be Still and Know

I've been thinking a LOT about this scripture. What is "STILLNESS"anyway?!!! Raise your hand if the word STILL makes you squirm!!!!! I can't sit still to save my LIFE!!! As a kid (OK, and an adult) I hated being told to sit STILL!!! So...what's WIGGLY but God loving girl to do?!! Define your OWN stillness!!! 

As a mom 4 "restless" and "ridiculously adventurous" children I've learned to ADAPT!!!! Stillness of body or even of thought can be learned.....but I'm here to tell you it's more about your feelings of calm and at peace ...than your body's movement!! Being quiet and still does not equal your level of righteousness!!! #mindexplosion

Here's a trick for us wiggly people. We are Doers!!!!! We are movers!!! We are motivators!!! We get stuff done!!! GOD GAVE YOU THAT GIFT!!! God NEEDS people the move His work forward!!So it's OK to not be able to SIT!!!! Find ways to move so you can feel STILL in your soul!!!! I listen to scripture and audiobooks everyday....WHILE I workout...while I do the dishes...while I fold laundry!!!! If my hands or body is MIND becomes still and focused. #weird!

My kids are the SAME way!!! They are kinetic learners!!! The only way My Jeffrey Could finally count to 100 was to hop on 1 foot. It's a bit difficult for traditional school testing...but hey..he's a masterpiece. A wiggly one!! So...wiggly people of the world...if your soul is restless....make a RUN for it!!!! Literally! Put some classical music or scripture on your iPhone and GO run.

God is not one size fits all...he can speak to us wiggly people too. My best conversations with God are when I'm running. He's willing to run right along side you!!! So I'm telling you....lace up your Nikes for Jesus!!!  Be the wiggly person you were meant to be...and I promise...God will help you find stillness in your heart .

....and now...I'm gonna go workout! Me and my audiobook smile emotic

Monday, February 16, 2015

Love Yourself, Right Where You Are

Are you a fierce competitor?!!! Ummm...I'm NOT!!! Zero competitive drive in me. (You probably won't pick me for your team now!! Haha)  But you know What I have learned about myself ?!! I have another's called COMPARISON!! And its a destructive nightmare!!! ‪#‎recoveringperfectionist‬ 
I used to compare myself... To every one. Problem?!! We usually only see everyone's GOOD side on facebook, in magazines, and in person....yeah. Not a good way to judge yourself!!!
I have to constantly remind myself to NOT COMPARE!!!!! Comparison is the thief of JOY!! It makes you discount all that's good in YOUR life.

And guess what!?? There is no way to measure yourself next to others.., because they aren't YOU!!! YOU are one of a kind, original masterpiece from heaven!!!

Breathe a deep sigh of relief!!!
Just focus on being the best YOU in each moment!!! That's it!!!  And don't judge others ...because they shouldn't have to be compared to YOU either!!! You just work on loving everyone right where they are...including YOURSELF!!! 'Cause you're awesome!!! ‪#‎justsayin‬'.
At the end of each day ask yourself (and GOD) if you were your "BEST self today." Chances are you've got lots to improve on (heaven knows I do) but just do your very best to stretch to your best each day...and that's enough!!!! I love the poem "Good, Better, best.. Never let me rest..until my good is better and my better best" ...but I also have learned to not expect perfection from myself. Because I won't reach it! 
I have learned "my BEST effort" is truly "my best". I have learned to be Proud of progress!!! Daily progress!!!
Instead of beating myself up over my inability to reach "perfection".
Results?!! I'm happier!!! I'm content!!! I forgive myself and enjoy the process of GROWTH!! Growth that stretches me...maybe even hurts ...but growth is good!!!! Embrace it!!!
So ....
LOVE yourself ....RIGHT where you ARE!!